
Hey everyone! I just wanted to share that I will be making a Finding Faith 2. I’ve learned so much since Finding Faith, and I am ready to create a second one. Stay tuned and God bless !


Thank you to everyone who has read my story and gave me some good feedback.
          I knew Finding Faith was something God had been wanting me to write for so long and I knew God was gonna do such good things through me and through this book. I guess seeing y’all’s reaction and comments on it surprised me  even though I knew what God had in store. God bless you all so greatly and thank you for reading my testimony and I thank God that y’all were blessed through my story.
          I have more stories to share and I just pray God continues to lay things in my heart to write about.
          Stay blessed xx


I'm glad you listened to God's calling and wrote your story! It is a truly moving book!


I'm glad you listened to God's calling and wrote your story! It is a truly moving book!