
So my first fandom was creepypastas. I mean I was so into this fandom, like really into it. How I got into was when I was hanging out with some old friends of mine at one of their house, her brother happened to be watching a slenderman documentary. I would have usually gone upstairs with my other friends and hang out up there, but no. I so amazed by it I decided to pull up a chair and watch it with my friend's old brother. Well I sat through the whole thing which was like an hour or so. After that I went to do what 11 year olds do, run out into the old abandoned field by our house and wreck chaos on the unprotected trees and plants. After that day, I slept under the covers the whole summer with bad paranoia. That's it. After that I basically became obsessed with it, and came up with over like 20 ocs that I later got rid off all but two, which are Jackie and Anastasia the Ripper.


So my first fandom was creepypastas. I mean I was so into this fandom, like really into it. How I got into was when I was hanging out with some old friends of mine at one of their house, her brother happened to be watching a slenderman documentary. I would have usually gone upstairs with my other friends and hang out up there, but no. I so amazed by it I decided to pull up a chair and watch it with my friend's old brother. Well I sat through the whole thing which was like an hour or so. After that I went to do what 11 year olds do, run out into the old abandoned field by our house and wreck chaos on the unprotected trees and plants. After that day, I slept under the covers the whole summer with bad paranoia. That's it. After that I basically became obsessed with it, and came up with over like 20 ocs that I later got rid off all but two, which are Jackie and Anastasia the Ripper.