
To whom it may concern, 
          	I have decided to re-write Taylor. I have taken down the original (I just unpublished it) and will start to slowly start writing the new draft. Due to November being NaNo WriMo, I won't be working on Taylor very much since I have another story I'm doing for that. Once November is over, I will try to remember to begin Taylor. I hope you'll all like the new version.


To whom it may concern, 
          I have decided to re-write Taylor. I have taken down the original (I just unpublished it) and will start to slowly start writing the new draft. Due to November being NaNo WriMo, I won't be working on Taylor very much since I have another story I'm doing for that. Once November is over, I will try to remember to begin Taylor. I hope you'll all like the new version.