
ah yes here comes the insensitive jokes and tweets about blood and chess. I don’t care if it is fictional or not, anyone who cheers for it is just mentally ill. also being upset about a damn dog being kicked more than a child being slain and beheaded? BRAIN R O T. 


@hecatefuror In my opinion, it comes down to the fact that both sides have their flaws, yet some people are too biased towards their preferred side to consider the situation in its entirety. I find it baffling.
          	  Also, I  saw a post about the recent episode, and the first comment was in all-caps about the dog being kicked. Nothing about the child being slain, though. *face palm*


@GenBloo they all seem to share the same rotten brain cell, regardless of whether they read book or not.


@hecatefuror I could not agree more! I'm eager to hear more from the non-book reader side of Team Black…let’s hope everyone will use their brain.


ah yes here comes the insensitive jokes and tweets about blood and chess. I don’t care if it is fictional or not, anyone who cheers for it is just mentally ill. also being upset about a damn dog being kicked more than a child being slain and beheaded? BRAIN R O T. 


@hecatefuror In my opinion, it comes down to the fact that both sides have their flaws, yet some people are too biased towards their preferred side to consider the situation in its entirety. I find it baffling.
            Also, I  saw a post about the recent episode, and the first comment was in all-caps about the dog being kicked. Nothing about the child being slain, though. *face palm*


@GenBloo they all seem to share the same rotten brain cell, regardless of whether they read book or not.


@hecatefuror I could not agree more! I'm eager to hear more from the non-book reader side of Team Black…let’s hope everyone will use their brain.


hotd fandom has evolved beyond just being a group of brain rotted kids; now, you guys are simply brain dead! Because what do you mean i open twitter and find matt smith is being attacked for that scene in the promo?! 


@crowkissed someone need to do us a favor and reboot their brains, it’s tiring at this point 


@hecatefuror  ; unfortunately , not everyone is intelligent enough to separate the actor from the character


@daeneryxxs literally, every time a new teaser or trailer is released, people are quick to comment on his appearance or associate him with daemon  