
Sorry for the delay in updates for any ongoing story yall, I'm working full time but have them all on my mind dw


Hi, so I'm a big fan of your stories and with one of your stories 'It All Began With A Text' it gave me inspo for my own text fic.
          Only the beginning part is a bit similar to your beginning (the prologue part) but everything else is different.
          Is it alright if I post the story and give you credits for the inspiration? 
          It's completely fine if you don't want me to, I just wanted to ask :)


@Fandom_Girl_3 hiii, yes ofc go shead, I'd love to read it once it's up :)


Hi! I just wanted to tell you how amazing your books are. Honestly I just came to read about my favourite idols but I left with a lot more than just that. Your stories taught me a lot of stuff that made my life much brighter. Each of your stories taught me a lesson and i can’t express how grateful I am to you. Especially story two in bittersweet memories. That story taught me to take risks and fly rather than sitting in my nest. Because of that I gained confidence and explored life and found many new things. That story also showed me the importance of siblings. Reading it made me realise how broken I would be if I lost my sister. So I made an effort to show her my love and we are much closer than before. Maybe you don’t see it so deeply but these stories have impacted my life in a good way and I have nobody else to thank but you. Even if it’s unknowingly, you’ve really helped me make my life better and I think you deserve to know. I hope you continue writing and spreading joy to others like you did for me. I wish you all the very best in life❤️


@Kpoppeaches_143 Nah fr that story made me cry cause I am very close to my sister and losing her is one of my biggest fear. That story actually gives such good messages. Every person Jeongin meets in the book teaches him a new leasson. The thrid story also broke me to the core. That story taught me what Love actually means. It taught me what true friendship means.
            I cried while reading both of those stories


@Kpoppeaches_143 This is probably the best thing I have ever read, thank you so much, you're so sweet <3 So glad you enjoy my stories!


I didn’t realise how long this was, sorry for that


hello!  finished reading Just Let Me Go AND IT REALLY HURT MY PRIDE. i read this on my wan home from school and now im crying like a crazy person pls. that book is very wonderful and amazing. i really loves your writing style! thank you for your amazing book!! 


@wxfflyz Ayyy tysmm glad you enjoyed it <3


Your writing is so beautiful and I remember when I first found It Began With a Text when it was on Ao3, I stayed up the entire night finishing it, then proceeded to tell my sister all about it, then I found your wattpad account and binged all the stories in one day and it's *chef's kiss*
          Although....It End With A Text is giving me stress, anxiety, anticipation and excitement, I'm exciteddd!!


@sUrpRis33 ahhh tysm, ur comment made my day <3


Hmm Translate is very complicated. Like in the recent flashback is that Felix's lover? And is Lee Eun related to Felix,Seungmin,Minho? Felix seems to be an important part in the story, Seungmin's back story seems to be important too. 
          That person with Felix is it one from the Japanese team? Or is it someone else? Anyways I love your books


300 FOLLOWERS WHOOO, tysmm guys !!


@heavenswheel777 CONGRATS!! You totally deserve it, no wait, you deserve even more


Hey author I just read translate and to say the book is so good. And I think I figured why Felix hate Hyunjin's Father. That Accident which Changbin mentions, Felix was also involved in it. The flashback in chapter 12 showed that. Idk who is that friend of his. Also poor Minnie, bro just wanted a job. His burn marks are sus tho. And that Lady, is she important for this book?


@HibasWonderland169 Aah such good observations and questions and my answer to all of them is... maybe :) Glad you're enjoying it!