
Literally EVERY time things are going fine with me and writing for you guys, things come up. I finally got a new laptop though, so here's to hoping I can actually get through and post season two for y'all.


          If any of you have ever had any questions about the writing process of Big Brother Teens, scrapped seasons and twists, my favorite Houseguests, why it took me a whopping 3 years to finally post a second season, or anything else at all, you may comment them below and I'll answer. I love giving everyone insight on what it's like behind the scenes.


I am very excited to finally actually have a final final final final final 100% final edition of Big Brother Teens 2. After many different drafts, twists, and cast changes, I have finally gone through with one and the premiere will be posted very soon! I am not sure whether I want to give a release date and schedule posts or just drop them at random yet, but I can assure you this will be a great season.


@crescentcourt Good luck! Hope you enjoy the second season as much as you enjoyed the first. A preview of the premiere is live on my account if you'd like to get a first look at the season!


i'm so excited! i loved Big Brother Teens 1, and i can't wait for the second one! you inspired me to do my own "Big Brother Teens" which i'm finding very had to start, so i definitely admire your dedication. i can't wait to read! 


So here's the state of BB Teens 2: with the new season of Big Brother coming up I've been getting so much inspiration to continue. I work and am getting ready to start college so I don't have as much time as I'd like to write, but I'm definitely doing as much as I can. I've done many different rewrites of the twists and formats of the season, and I have finally found the one I'm going with. To compensate for all of the setbacks, I will be using 18 Houseguests instead of 14. The season will be longer and hopefully more fun to read! I'm hoping to have the premiere up sometime this week! Let's have a great season!