
Hello! Good evening. Bleeding_euphoria is again being active after being so silent for I don't know how long. For those who are still reading my story even though I took a decade to update, I appreciate y'all! 
          	Though, after the year-end break I  might be back for being a silent author again. 'Coz even at the moment, your motherfvcking author is still busy. Bear with me a little longer, my filled of roses. 


Hello! Good evening. Bleeding_euphoria is again being active after being so silent for I don't know how long. For those who are still reading my story even though I took a decade to update, I appreciate y'all! 
          Though, after the year-end break I  might be back for being a silent author again. 'Coz even at the moment, your motherfvcking author is still busy. Bear with me a little longer, my filled of roses. 


Hi! I just wanna inform y'all that I'll be going to unpublish Autumn's Heart, tho, it's not yet finish. Due to personal reasons. I'll be posting it again if everything is fine. Thanks for reading my first published work. Well appreciated. Hoping that you will still support it when I'm going to publish it again next time. 