
Filter - A poem by hazel
          	The dark thunders rumbled,
          	The heavy sound echoes in my ears.
          	They weren't as loud as,
          	the scream I have been holding for years.
          	No, definitely I wasn't knowing that,
          	I was just being a child.
          	Why didn't you told me before,
          	This is considered wild. 
          	It sucks to be chained like this,
          	Especially since the day I was born.
          	Do I look like monster?
          	With two or one horn.
          	Even when I don't look,
          	They said I acted like one.
          	I didn't wanted you to dim my light,
          	But you won.
          	Why can't I be happy?
          	Why can't I smile?
          	When was I myself last time,
          	It's been a while.
          	Why can't I be myself?
          	I don't want yours shades and glitter.
          	Till when I have to put up with this.
          	Till when I have to wear your chosen filter. 


Filter - A poem by hazel
          The dark thunders rumbled,
          The heavy sound echoes in my ears.
          They weren't as loud as,
          the scream I have been holding for years.
          No, definitely I wasn't knowing that,
          I was just being a child.
          Why didn't you told me before,
          This is considered wild. 
          It sucks to be chained like this,
          Especially since the day I was born.
          Do I look like monster?
          With two or one horn.
          Even when I don't look,
          They said I acted like one.
          I didn't wanted you to dim my light,
          But you won.
          Why can't I be happy?
          Why can't I smile?
          When was I myself last time,
          It's been a while.
          Why can't I be myself?
          I don't want yours shades and glitter.
          Till when I have to put up with this.
          Till when I have to wear your chosen filter. 


Right now all I want is peace in my life.....
          I'm losing important people, my school is doing it's best to destroy my mental health.
          At this point, all I want is a break....
          Going on a break for next few days, hope I return stable enough... 


Oh no definitely take some time to heal ur mental health



@SVDarkAngels ty.. you're the best sis I could have 


What the heck is wrong with Wattpad!!!!
          Like I'm trying to mark my story as complete since almost a week. But everytime I save it, it goes back to ongoing!!!
          Why tf this is happening?!
          Please tell me I'm not the only one ༼⁠;⁠´⁠༎ຶ⁠ ⁠۝ ⁠༎ຶ⁠༽


@official_bluesette that's the reason I'm not leaving 


Purple, red, blue,
          Beautiful colours, aren't they?
          They got on my heart and skin,
          Through what way? 
          Piercing through the bone,
          My ankle shatters.
          It hurts.
          It's doesn't matters.
          I was scared,
          I was in pain.
          In a dark room,
          Tied with a chain. 
          Colours got its way,
          To reach to my skin.
          I was marked with them,
          And they win.
          I don't even know where I am,
          I was shipped here with cruises.
          And the person for whom I work,
          Gives me these scars and bruises.. 
          -felt like writing a poem about child lat


@hazelnutfantasy Yes.... School labour..
            I mean I know it's for our own good but...they don't appreciate our hardwork..... atleast mine ◉⁠‿⁠◉


@SVDarkAngels you mean the labour we do and pay the ones who make us do that 


Why can't I mark Lonely as complete, like every time I go back afternoon making changes it stays like that, I even tried going online and searching but they are showing the steps I'm already doing.......


@SVDarkAngels yeah, like imagine doing the same thing for hours yet the work isn't done 