/ ohmygod - hey, dm me, i've got the most brilliant idea . . .
Reading Lists
/ ohmygod - hey, dm me, i've got the most brilliant idea . . .
… how long have you been standing there ?
@hawksnight } i was going to ! .. eventually. i’ve been busy moving everything in. you want anything to eat ?
don’t look at me like that. i’m only here because i wanted to see lucky.
@hawksnight } i just .. don’t wanna overstep. * avery was still petting lucky as she spoke. the dog was a source of comfort in this web of uncertainty. * really though — i can just go bed and recite old hydra manifestos till i fall asleep from boredom.
@heroicflames i’m sure . you wouldn’t be intruding . besides , lucky could go for some pizza too , i’m sure . * she would muster a small smile as thr other took the pajamas . * you don’t have to — i honestly don’t mind if you use the tv .
@hawksnight } are you sure ? i really don’t want to intrude on anything. * brows knitted together in a genuine concern as she took the clothes. not hawkeye pajamas. her heart fluttered. * i can just go to sleep too, it’ll come to me eventually.
* avery was breathing heavily. the fight had ended, her ears were ringing, she was pretty sure she had a concussion .. and there was this horrible rumbling noise. one she couldn’t pinpoint. *
@hawksnight } fine, we’ll shower and you’ll find a way to keep me awake until we can make sure i’m not concussed. * avery snorted . oh they were a mess. fortunately, the trek to kate’s new living space wasn’t a long one. kate was nothing if not efficient in her housing choices. *
@heroicflames well then .. we can do that at my / new / place . but no napping . not with the chance of a concussion , alright ? * she playfully shook her head as her arm slid around the other dust covered woman . *
@hawksnight } hooow about we skip shield for right now ? i can always get checked later. * avery leaned into her ever so slightly. concussion and minor injury, her ass. she’d lived through worse. * what i need right now is a shower and a nap.
… you’re not dead.
If you plan on Flint every time you see her on an assignment, just go to her apartment to do it instead. / I’ll / deal with the important shit from now on.
@darkwiidow riiiiight . i’m sure that was it . was it at least good ? fuck / off / . i’m actually formulating a plan , and it’s better than what you or your stupid widows could do . you are SUCH a hypocrite . you think i haven’t been trying ? i’ll go right on ahead then . as long as you kill him .
Since you’re so damn intrigued by it, he ate me out, nothing more. And why should I? I’m the only one that’s been making the conscious effort of making sure she’s okay I. There whilst you’re off doing god knows what. Oh I’ll kill him, if you kill Flint.
@darkwiidow ha ! i’m not an idiot . you definitely fucked . leave claire the fuck out of this . you don’t even care about her . you know what ? if that won’t stop you , then you’ll like our new mission . kill him .
stop smirking at me like that, the zipper ordeal wasn’t THAT funny.
@hawksnight } / dAMN ,, bishop security in disarray until eleanor is finally allowed out of prison to take over
@heroicflames / they probably meet while kate is busting claire out — but kate literally tells no one that her death was fake >:)
@hawksnight } / AWWWW NOOOO and just when avery finally starts moving on, kate appears out of nowhere
/ cb & specify !!
you shouldn’t be here, kid. shield already has you on thin ice.
@hawksnight } therapy wouldn’t keep her out of the game for long. do you think shield CARES about her mental health ? the moment they needed her again, therapy would be done.
@corrupthawks yes , she was ! she quit to do therapy until you nearly killed her brother !
* avery had run out of her therapist’s office at the blare of the alarms. there were agents swarming what was rumored to be claire barton, finally captured. she’d run past them, only to stumble upon a familiar face in the control room. * what are you DOING here ?!
@heroicflames i won’t be going anywhere ! be safe , flint ! * as soon as she was leaving , kate leaned back against the wall hntil she could slide down with a sigh .
@hawksnight } * avery blinked, slightly dazed by the kiss. she then nodded, turning back towards where they came. * i’m going, i’m going ! stay right here. i’ll be right back. i promise.
@heroicflames a little — i’ve been working on my arms for better .. oh i’m sorry ! * kate quickly stepped over to kiss the injured cheek . * now shoo !
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