
Hello lovelies! Sorry for being so quiet, I am well, only super busy! I should have more time next week to update TTW though. Anyway don’t worry I haven’t forgotten about you <3 thanks for your concern !!


@hasnoshamexx Was getting concerned but glad that you are doing well and will be updating  soon.  


Oh no.. started one of your books just before the weekend.. finished them all now (Mondays...) I'm so sad 
           Absolutely loved your stories. And you keep getting better. I love that you take the time for building trust between the characters. The only thing that goes to fast are the endings, I always want to a little more of affirmations and happiness  Very curious for what you come up with next! 
           Thank you so much for sharing these stories


Sorry for the inconvenience  just wanna promote my story 
          Anyways, I think you  enjoy reading werewolf stories that are mysterious and has romance in it
          If you do, then if you have free time, you can go check out my new story "Wish I Knew Before"
          Here it is:


@hasnoshamexx if you ever plan to write again and have no other projects to work on, could you please do an extra chapter about Zeph topping Fayez because Zeph is the kinkiest one and it was briefly mentioned that he had topped Fayez but it would be nice to get some details. 


@ nandi_nn  don't we all just need more chapters about them 


Omg yes I’ve thought this for the longest time it’s not a want it’s a needdd


Out of all three of Kyle and nate and darren who's the most pervert and Dirty minded one?


@hasnoshamexx hahaha I know it one more question last what are Kyle,Nate and Darren Age,Height skin color and Hair color sorry if I'm asking to many questions because I want to draw them


Definitely Nate !!


Would you consider writing another book if you want no pressure of course


@llSignorina thank you for your kind words! I wish you a lot of happy times for 2024 as well. Take care xx 


@hasnoshamexx Thank you.I'm glad you're fine , even if you are tired. I want to tell you that everything will pass. I wish you a year full of happiness and all your dreams come true.


@readerlover35 I do plan to write more books on wattpad. Just not sure when I will start working on the next one ;)


Hey guys I’m looking for this story and it’s about this guy that goes to some really preppy school. Basically he catches the attention of the bad boy of the school who has heterochromia and turns out that the main boys mum and the bad boys dad or something were apart of some mafia or gang. Could you please help me find it. 


I know this doesn't matter, but please what are the races of Darren, Nate and Kyle and also their heights <3


Mmmh in my head it goes like this : Kyle would have mixed origins, like maybe British / Vietnam. Both of Nate’s parents would be British but he would have Italians ancestors. Darren would come from the north of Africa and be a few shades darker than his mates. Maybe Egypt
            As for their height, I would say Nate is the smallest (around 1.75) and Darren the tallest (around 1.85)