
I'll update this week. : P 


(that photo though ⬆️) 
          k sorry I haven't updated this week.   I'm really busy with this play I'm in this week (I get to wear a beard lol) and I barely have time to do any of my homework. So, I MIGHT update this week, but I'm not promising. I already know what I'm writing the next chapters on but I just need time, which I don't have this week. I'm going to start updating each story more often now, so that's a plus. :) So if y'all be patient and wait, I'll make sure I will do double updates next week to make it up for all of you beautiful people. 
          But after this week I'll update every other day just like last week. Plus winter break is in 2 weeks and I'll write A LOT during that time. Don't worry, this story is going to be long and perfect. Have a great night my hoodlum kids. xx
          -em :-)