
im getting bad again and im posting it here because i know no one truly cares for a random person on the internets mental instability no matter how hard we pretend so others will know im struggling but wont truely need to worry or care so neither of us are guilty <3 if this post effected your mental state or caused you concern i apologise for you need not worry ill just figure it out again but for now i simply want to vent


@harrysgay_vodka I get it. I’m going through a thing too… do u want to be my friend? :)


im getting bad again and im posting it here because i know no one truly cares for a random person on the internets mental instability no matter how hard we pretend so others will know im struggling but wont truely need to worry or care so neither of us are guilty <3 if this post effected your mental state or caused you concern i apologise for you need not worry ill just figure it out again but for now i simply want to vent


@harrysgay_vodka I get it. I’m going through a thing too… do u want to be my friend? :)