
Do you live in Toronto? If so, make sure to check out Potted Potter, the hilarious unauthorized Harry Potter experience. It's a show that takes ALL SEVEN Harry Potter books and condenses them into one funny play. 


Yes, I love Harry Potter and yesssss, I love die hard.
          Well... I wrote my first story and didn't get much feedback yet. Sooo... it would be nice to get it from some other great Harry Potter fans.
          The story isn't finished yet, but it would be cool, if some of you would have a look at it.
          Thank you and much love to all Harry Potter fans <3


Daniel Radcliffe has been quite busy in the last couple of years. Swiss Army Man (which has a great score, albeit somewhat of a questionable plot), Now You See Me 2 and Imperium are all vastly different, but each promise a nice story, with Daniel playing important roles. 
          Next, he will star as Yossi Ghinsberg in the movie Jungle (there is no exact date set, however it will be sometime in 2017).


For all you (DC Comics) The Flash fans, catch Tom Felton as Julian Albert. The Flash airs every Tuesday on the CW.
          Tom will also star in three up-coming movies:
          Stratten, also starring Tyler Hoechlin and Dominic Cooper, is about a British Special Boat Service commando who tracks down an international terrorist cell. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3567666/?ref_=nm_flmg_act_3
          Feed, also starring Troian Bellisario, is about Olivia and Matthew Grey, 18-year-old twins born into a world of privilege and high expectations. There are almost no boundaries between them; even their dreams are connected.  http://www.imdb.com/title/tt5226512/?ref_=nm_flmg_act_2
          Megan Leavey, also starring Kate Mara, is about the titular character, who forms a powerful bond with an aggressive combat dog, Rex. While deployed in Iraq, the two complete more than 100 missions and save countless lives, until an IED explosion puts their faithfulness to the test. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt4899370/?ref_=nm_flmg_act_1


Tom Felton is in a new movie called Risen,  which follows the story of the Resurrection, as told through the eyes of a non-believer. The release date is January 2016, but there's an advanced screening on October 8th (in Washington D.C.). If you're in the area, check it out: http://www.yelp.com/events/washington-risen-starring-joseph-fiennes-passes-for-advance-screening-on-october-8