
Oh and I forgot something.
          	On my last post thanking everyone for 350k reads I mentioned that I was working on a new story.
          	That story is still no where near done and I haven't really worked on it in a LONG time so I'm like 99% sure that I'm not going to post it. 
          	If I ever work on it more then I'll update everyone but (if/until) then there's no new news about that.
          	One more final thanks for 500k reads! 


Oh and I forgot something.
          On my last post thanking everyone for 350k reads I mentioned that I was working on a new story.
          That story is still no where near done and I haven't really worked on it in a LONG time so I'm like 99% sure that I'm not going to post it. 
          If I ever work on it more then I'll update everyone but (if/until) then there's no new news about that.
          One more final thanks for 500k reads! 


Hi everyone. Just a quick message. 
          I still pop in from time to time to check how many reads I have.
          Thank you so much for 500k. 
          Even if I don't update anything I'm still very excited to see my work (even if some or all of it is well, cringe) still getting reads and comments after all these years.
          Every single one of you, Thank you.
          I hope everyone had/has a good time being and staying in the 1D/Harry Styles fandom. I know I have.
          I'm still in the fandom and active on Twitter still. If anyone wants to know my username then you are welcome to DM me and I'll share it with you.
          Anyways, thanks again for 500k reads and keep on reading! 


Hey everyone! I just wanted to mention that all of the photos that I use for the header on each one are edits. They are not real. They are still good edits though.
           I also want to mention, thank you for  over 350K reads. I still see all the comments that I get, (a lot of them are about the photos.) And I thank you for all of them. 
          One more thing, I have been slowly writing a new one shot for the book. It's about a secret magical mansion. I think that's all I'm going to say for now about it but since it not done, and I could use some ideas, your welcome to comment here. 
          Any ideas of what kind of powers a magical mansion should have?
          Some I have in mind are invisibility and being able to communicate through dreams to whoever it needs/wants too. (This second one apart of the main story.)
          I think that's all i have so far for secert powers.
          Again, thanks for all the reads and everything. 
          - K


Thank you everyone for 200 thousand reads!!!! All of you are great and awesome people. I'm so thankful for this whole fandom! Sorry I haven't been updating but if anyone wants to talk to me then I'm open to talk. If you have any ideas then comment below. I have lots of parts started but I just haven't finished them. Hopefully I will. Again, thanks you for 200K reads!!! 


Hey everyone. Thanks so much for almost 150K reads! I'm sorry that I STILL haven't posted anything new, But the good news is that I have gotten some new ideas and I'm working on them. It's a bit slow but as they say slow and steady wins the race. 
          Again, thank you almost 150K reads and keep reading! 


Thanks for 119K reads!!! Schools finally almost done for me. I should be able to keep writing soon. Can't wait until schools out so I can. I have been slowly working on the next update so hopefully it will be out soon. Can't wait for you to read it!
          All the love. Xx 


I just looked at how many reads I have!!! Thank you so much everyone for over 100 thousand reads!!! I do realize that I have not been posting on here that much but this year is my last year of high school and I have been doing a lot. I am hoping to post a new one soon.  For my new followers and readers, thanks for following. All the love. Xx 


Thank you. And your welcome 


@harry_love1999   Oh definitely love your chapters.  Thank you for taking the time to write.  It is appreciated.  ;)