
New project posted \( ゚ヮ゚)/


hiiii, i finally find your account after such a long time, so the reason why ojakgyo is gone is because your translation has been reported huhㅠㅠ i was dying to read it again, do you still translate it? and i see that you have a discord server now, if it isnt too late for me to join, can i join?
          (( i found your acc by scrolling through my notification tab, thank god we have interacted before!!! haha<3 ))


@drinkw4ter Hi, I don't do ojakgyo anymore but there is a public translation :) You can message me if you want to join my discord though


Hi @haralee07 ! I just saw that you translated IDWTBAO and I remember that I used to read the first chapters before until it was no more updates. I wish to read the story and see who is the male lead!! 
          So if it’s not too rude, can i join you on discord? I would be really happy if I could. Thank you and take care! :)


@Sehzan please message me if you want the invite :)


*updated (sorry my iPad correct however it want lol)