
I'm going to the zoo tomorrow


this message may be offensive
Anyway i went to the cinema today and watched fantastic beasts: the secrets of Dumbledore with my friend and her brother and his friend.
          And first if all the friend of the brother of my friend looks exactly like Gilbert Blythe and if you don't know who that is, I'm sending you lots of love and i hope you get better.
          Second of all, why is it called secrets of Dumbledore when literally the smallest portion of the movie is about the secrets of Dumbledore?
          Third of all, i made a story on Snapchat about that one racist tape worm, because we went to the cinema earlier this year to see spiderman nwh and of course she isn't there this time (because she's a racist tape worm) and we wanted to shit talk about her. and a friend of hers screenshoted it and (probably) send it to her. And even that friend of hers is do indecisive on who's friend she is.
          Fourth of all, we went to KFC after and this little boy kept staring at me and when i smiled at him to be nice he flipped me off.
          Anyway have a nice day and stay safe 


@happy_sinterklaas all I can see is the part about a little boy flipping you off


I'm literally dying.
          At school this week there was like this LGBTQ+ thingy were we learned all about it and today i was talking to my friends about the homophobic people in my class and my friend said: "i don't think there are any queer people in our class."
          I literally came out 4 months ago 


Anyway, i got everything sorted out for my new book so I can begin writing now. I have a 2 week break in a week so I can maybe finish everything during that and publish everything after. Not sure tho, but i think i would be able to do that.
          Have a nice day and stay safe!


@ locally_ratty  so inspirational 


I'm crying.
          Today i went to look for a bed because i just moved and i have had the same bed since i was three. And the manager of that store came up to me and said like "omg, you look so good." And i was dressed in pink from head to toe, because pink is easily the best colour ever, also my hair is pink so yeah (i literally can't even because everyone in my school calls me cotton candy and that wouldn't really be that bad, but if yk yk. But like at least i taste good, wouldn't say the same about your mammoth from ice age looking hair)
          And so u was like "omg thanks" and then he said to enjoy my new bed. (My new bed is also pink)
          So i probably have never been happier in my life.