
Also, for anyone who is new to my profile, here's a little bit about me:
          	- I have loved to write for as long as I can remember. It has and will always be my biggest passion.
          	- I am a safe space for anybody. And a huge advocate for mental health. As someone who deals with a mental health disorder (GAD), I understand how painful it can be and I am always someone who can be vented to.
          	- I am currently a 1st grade teacher freshly out of college! Teaching is what I have always wanted to do, and my days are exhausting, but my students make it worth it.
          	- I love pirates. I have a huge fascination with the Golden Age of Piracy and all of the history along with it. 
          	- I have a Syrian hamster named Achaia, named after a region of ancient Greece (which I also have a fascination with).
          	- Red Dead Redemption 2 and Assassin's Creed Odyssey are my two favorite games of all time.
          	- I value kindness and empathy more than anything. I will always be kind to others unless they have broken my trust. 
          	And that's about all! Have a lovely day everyone. Have fun and be kind. :)


Also, for anyone who is new to my profile, here's a little bit about me:
          - I have loved to write for as long as I can remember. It has and will always be my biggest passion.
          - I am a safe space for anybody. And a huge advocate for mental health. As someone who deals with a mental health disorder (GAD), I understand how painful it can be and I am always someone who can be vented to.
          - I am currently a 1st grade teacher freshly out of college! Teaching is what I have always wanted to do, and my days are exhausting, but my students make it worth it.
          - I love pirates. I have a huge fascination with the Golden Age of Piracy and all of the history along with it. 
          - I have a Syrian hamster named Achaia, named after a region of ancient Greece (which I also have a fascination with).
          - Red Dead Redemption 2 and Assassin's Creed Odyssey are my two favorite games of all time.
          - I value kindness and empathy more than anything. I will always be kind to others unless they have broken my trust. 
          And that's about all! Have a lovely day everyone. Have fun and be kind. :)


Thanck You for the follow<3…❤️


 Heyy of course :)..


Thanks for following! :) Can I ask why? <33


@ hannahlizwrites  ur welcome :) 


@Vrowlicy thank you very much! I try to make it as true to myself as possible. :)


@ hannahlizwrites  I often do that :)
            Ur profile seems very sympathetic btw :P <333