
hey, y'all!
          	the admins have decided we'll be moving this whole roleplay to discord. if you've already claimed roles, no need to do that again - just comment below if you'd like to be added to the server and i'll send you the link through pms!
          	we're sorry if you don't have a discord account, but we feel that  this roleplay would do better on  there. thank you for understanding!
          	- kore


hey, y'all!
          the admins have decided we'll be moving this whole roleplay to discord. if you've already claimed roles, no need to do that again - just comment below if you'd like to be added to the server and i'll send you the link through pms!
          we're sorry if you don't have a discord account, but we feel that  this roleplay would do better on  there. thank you for understanding!
          - kore




@perrydoof I’m watching the second PJO movies, it’s terrible because it doesn’t follow the plot line but still good enough to give me a craving for a demigod rp