
i want lip fillers 


i need tips to how to study and revise 


jokes aside, i think the best way to study is set your phone aside, you must use it only when you really need to, DO NOT be tempted if there's notification. just focus on the goal. think of something you should do after, like what you enjoy doing and use it as a motivation to finish your work. I think it works, well for me it works but really, anyone can do anything. you can do it 


            step 1 prepare your workspace, make sure your surrounding is clean and no one can disturb you 
            step 2 open your notes or smth
            step 3 use your phone for searching 
            step 4 open social media apps
            step 5 you can't go back to studying 


trying to study but i can’t because hailee is literally on mind, am i 12???


@haileesruby not me forcing myself to finish my activities so that i can pretend that i am her girlfriend and can chat her right after studying and think of her again lmao 
            is that weird? that's definitely weird. i need whelp 