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My dog scared the shit out of md


Do you know why I got so mad when they took the private messages away? It's cuz there was a txt Stan that used to talk to me about medicine and how she was so excited to go to med school but I'm not sure if I followed her so now that I lost my messages I can't remember who she was but I wanted to ask if she is okay and if she's liking the course etc


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Is it bad that I'm extremely mad (and sad) over my bsf not talking to me for like more almost 2 weeks? Like, I texted her but she ignored me but I thought it was because she had a family problem going on, well, it mostly concerns her parents and she doesn't have a part in it, but now I don't think that's it. Because I texted on our friends group chat and shw saw it (but she didn't see my other texts on our private chats) and when I cursed at her about it (I just said fuck you, with a respectfully added to it) shw was just like "oh yeah fuck me" a didnt take it any seriously... 
          And so I decided to talk to our other friend and found out that she has been talking with her (on texts and even on calls) which makes me feel hurt because she doesnt even reach out to me even now... I left our group chat because I was reallyy reallyy angry at her (since she knows that I don't like being ignored for a long time and I'm very attention derived as well as an overthinker) and blocked her (I unblocked her now) but there's still no news from her and i'm just... Really sad about it 


@h0melander- I know I didn't... at least I think I didn't, I've said some rude stuffs before but she knows I'm like that... I just.. don't get it
            I'll give her time and try to move on... I guess


@fucknvm did u maybe say smth or do smth to annoy her ?
            Like I lowkey act like her whenever I wanna stop being friends with someone.
            Idk or maybe she's having a bitch fit and it will all be over soon.
            And yes you have every right to be mad at her, she should give u an explanation not just ignore you that's shitty.
            But also I don't think you should of have blocked her (ngl serves her right)
            Just give her time I guess, and try to move on if things don't work


why are none of my 1st cousins normal. one is a hoe, one is a pick me, the other is weird and sly. 


@fucknvm oh man idk I'm not close to my cousins never see them but that sucks