
this message may be offensive
I fucking ✨hate it in my house✨
          	I get ✨black mailed and manipulated by my parents✨
          	✨kill me✨


this message may be offensive
          I used to think I was sick a lot in school due to stress and bullying making me feel like I was going to throw up like every day
          And this one bitch who pretended she had cancer so everyone felt bad for her and would show me her scars from cutting every time she did it (even though I asked her not to) made fun of me because I “got sick” a lot
          She said she had depression and anxiety
          And had said she had felt the way I did before
          And was one of those people who blasted their mental illness every day
          But made fun of me for it
          and was mean to me for it
          WHAT THE FUCK, MAN


My family makes me want to die :)


@aangellbbaskett well you shouldn’t. It’s just horrible how people think that because you like more than one gender, you’re automatically a cheater. People can cheat or not cheat no matter what sexuality they are


@rxt_lord_ yeah, I'm pan and I get that a lot.


@aangellbbaskett my family just doesn’t understand sexualities and think that if people are bi or pan, they’re going to cheat on their significant other even though that’s not true and don’t understand how awful it is to say that and it just makes me mad :)