
Hi dear...!!
          Hope you are doing well..!!
          Sorry for posting here without your permission but if time permits please give a chance to my story....I hope you will like it...!!


@TaleweaverEmber No worries dear I understand, it totally depends on you whenever you get time, your choice and time matters more...!!♥️
            And All the best for your book Author....keep growing I know you will achieve more and don't be dukhi just give your best...!!♥️


@TaleweaverEmber Hii..
            First of all i myself don't have readers who can read my book then who could they read your ..
            Second girl you are doing great that's the soul reason that you have that much of views and votes I even don't have 200 views on my book...
            So I am more dukhi then you 
            Anyways if I get time I'll definitely try it out 