
Happy new year everyone! I’m super thankful for you all - everyone who comments, votes and supports my writing, thank you so so much. I love being a part of the avatar fandom and meeting you wonderful people  I look forward to a new year with lots of more avatar one-shots.. one is coming very very soon!! 


Happy new year everyone! I’m super thankful for you all - everyone who comments, votes and supports my writing, thank you so so much. I love being a part of the avatar fandom and meeting you wonderful people  I look forward to a new year with lots of more avatar one-shots.. one is coming very very soon!! 


hey everyone! sorry for the hiatus, finals are brutal! Happy to announce that there will be TWO one-shots posted this week; both posted on Wednesday so be sure to look out for them


Omgg finals are fr crazy i feel u and slay for the double update


A new chapter will be posted sometime this week. School work started flowing in heavily so I had to take a break from writing. SO sorry for the wait!! 


Please, take your time.


It's okay! We all understand.