
          	"Hm, I have to share it with my sister, Bree, though. Then, there was Adeline.. But, she was taken down.." He said, faintly smiling yet he let out a sigh. 


          [ Oh, whale then. xD 
          I'm a Pisces and I look nothing like her, but I kind of act like her! eue; Okay, not really.. but still! ouo] 
          Exactly! What if I want to belong to myself or somethin'. o3o
          Thank you. .u. 
          Writer's block is a manipulative and utter bishh- I can have a good idea then it's suddenly lost. xux; 
          . w.'


          //Certainly~! > w<// 
          Shh, shh-- o^o 
          Yeah, it is. It was the first thing to pop into my mind, so yeah- xD 
          Spriting to me is just basically making/editing things like talksprites, game sprites/avatars, etc- =3= Most people use bases, I do sometimes. 
          I haven't written in so long that it's not even funneh- xux; 
          //HoNk :o)// 
          Hm? What is it? ouo