
Just in case anyone is interested in reading a couple of free stories available over at Amazon, I've got Vastian Lore on promotion 30th Jan-3rd Feb*Version*=1&*entries*=0
          	And Sorceress of Demon's Wood (previously titled: Sorceress Beware What You Believe) available from 2nd Feb-6th Feb!!*Version*=1&*entries*=0


Just in case anyone is interested in reading a couple of free stories available over at Amazon, I've got Vastian Lore on promotion 30th Jan-3rd Feb*Version*=1&*entries*=0
          And Sorceress of Demon's Wood (previously titled: Sorceress Beware What You Believe) available from 2nd Feb-6th Feb!!*Version*=1&*entries*=0


Just a quick update! My short story is now on Amazon on a limited time only promotion. From 6th November to 10th November it is now free! Please, be aware this story was previously titled: Sorceress: Beware What You Believe and is now called: Sorceress Of Demon's Wood. If anyone's interested, give it a read. My novella: Vastian Lore is available on ebook and will be available as a paperback very soon! :)


Hey there, all!! At the moment I'm working on several projects at once, so work on Wattpad has stalled a little. My sincere apologies to all. 
          The projects include, a novella, a short story, a secret project, editing my upcoming novel as well as admin on my new website, my published short and also a few other things as well...
          I'm hoping to post a few things on Wattpad if I get the chance, so keep an eye out for updates!! :)


@gregor1180 just followed! will stay up to date and comment as I go. would you mind reading one of my books for me on the side and giving me some feedback? :)


Ok, so I've been pretty busy lately, what with publishing Sorceress: Beware What You Believe on Amazon Kindle and getting my author website sorted, which is now up and running with a newsletter available for any who wish to subscribe. Not to blow my own trumpet or anything like that. but the site isn't too bad, there's my first review up on there as well and news of upcoming events, including my previous Q&A with Michael Gunter and soon my newest interview with Nathalie S London! I've also got a few competitions up my sleeve once the new artwork for Wolf Born is sorted and the chance for folks to win a great prize. I'm also doing a novella, which I will be publishing on Amazon, with a hard copy also available, for those who prefer to have a book! :) Thanks goes to all my followers, friends, supporters and readers who have helped me grow as writer!! :D