
"I Will Always Be There" will be deleted in about 5 days.


Okay so I'm sure no one pays attention to these, but I wanted to give you guys a heads up and tell you that I am deleting "I Will Always Be There." I decided that my writing is just horrendously awful and I would actually like to rewrite it entirely during the summer. Please understand that it is not my intention to delete the book forever. I just feel like you guys deserve to read something better and not waste time on terrible writing, so I want to redo the whole thing. I also apologize for the hiatus that I went on with no explanation.


@greeneyednugget Thank you so much. It's nice to know that someone understands.


            Ey my dudette it's completely okay That's what I am up to for this summer
            P.S. : missed you <3
            P.S.2: I deleted the previous message bc I forgot to complete it


•its 12:56 AM while I'm posting this, I should be sleeping e.e• do you have any fanfic recommendations I should read? I'm running out of things to read. And thanks for the follow!


@RainingMika Sounds good. Talk to you soon!


@RainingMika literally never busy, might forget about PMing tomorrow anyway but ill try not to forget!


@RainingMika That sounds great. Message me whenever you are not busy. I am almost always online.