
new user/display name!


so i guess i’ll never see my favorite characters ever again! thanks you everyone who put out great stories about julie and the phantoms, and huge thanks to whomever supported my own. after this i’m going to to have to see if i want to continue re writing since my whole life basically shattered with one post…i most likely will continue but it’s going to be extremely difficult. i’m just so glad that this show saved me, and brought me to such an amazing, supportive community as the fantoms are <3


hey!soo it’s been a while…tbh i took a long-ass break to attempt to gain more motivation and i’m back! and i’m coming back by COMPLETELY rewriting my story. i’m simply not proud of how it’s turned out, and as a writer i think i can do a lot better. I PROMISE no more month-long waits for new chapters, but it might take a while to get the story to a place where i am happy enough to continue! thanks for all my supporters so far❤️