
hello i just popped in and am actually crying because i got over 500 notifications n headspace hit 15k reads


this account is an utter MESS it's been everywhere from hp fics to fiction books to phanfic. but im not really huge into the fandom anymore + i have no inspiration for my writing on here anymore. but, if anyone cares, im going to make a NEW account (the user is going to be @homesickening, same as my instagram) where i can reread my favorites and hopefully get back into writing as well !!  :')


everything ive said is confusing im sorry i HAVE been writing, to clear things up, im just not sure what's going to become of anything ive created the past week or so. there's a lot of sad stuff & ideas that may never rly amount to anything & i don't quite know. please remember that when it comes to me, your guess is as good as that of my own.