
guys im bak... but yeah its only cuz I have nothing else better to do. I was in the hospital Friday night cuz idiots in the student section threw powder at the band during the homecoming game... the powder threw me into an asthma attack... so yeah im like being watched like a hawk by EVERYONE! ugh like srsly staphhhhhhhhhhh..... anyway yeah... text meh im bored asf


guys im bak... but yeah its only cuz I have nothing else better to do. I was in the hospital Friday night cuz idiots in the student section threw powder at the band during the homecoming game... the powder threw me into an asthma attack... so yeah im like being watched like a hawk by EVERYONE! ugh like srsly staphhhhhhhhhhh..... anyway yeah... text meh im bored asf


hey guys... so im goin off the grid for a while... I need a break from all the drama in the world... especially online. ive been dealing with a lot of hard stuff the past few weeks and I just... I cant handle it anymore. If you want to talk or anything kik me... y'all should have it but if you don't, its goodgirls_badguys1 so yeah! peace out wattpad


what about me. Who was there with you when trey did that. I guess I'm back to being hated by everyone


Florida. He's moving to Florida


@C_L_63015  what do u mean moving?!


@goodgirls_badguys01  what drama... I need you... Caleb is moving and I can't.


Talking your boyfriend out of suicide is so bad... i was literally sobbing only to find out it was a big joke... a joke i thot was serious... everyone knows the experiences ive had with suicide yet nobody thinks about how sensitive i am to that... turns out he was just a player and was cheating on another girl with me... and lied to me about it. Let's just say that he got what he deserved. he always says im the best think to happen to him but honestly... if he treats me like this then nothing good is gonna come out of this. so long story short, im single again... and probly will be for a long time... cant handle the drama relationships bring... too much to handle especially with my lifestyle and breakdowns i go through... he broke a Perfectly Good Heart and made the pretty much first scar... i just wanna Undo It... the Cowboy Casanova needs to understand im fragile... im not the "tough" girl you see walking down the halls. I've been through more in the past 2 years than anybody should go through in 50 years. Why is life so complicated... like seriously... it sucks. and then i find out my ex tried to commit suicide and im freakin out and just omggggggg like srsly...? okay im done... i think...


@goodgirls_badguys01  babe... I'm so sorry... text me. call me. I miss you. .