
I know it's been over a year. Yeah I'm really late. But I'm going to be trying to post some updates of 16 Secrets and High school Crush soon. It's my senior year so I've been running around like a chicken with their head cut off getting things done. Sorry it's been taking me so long and i basically vanished


I know it's been over a year. Yeah I'm really late. But I'm going to be trying to post some updates of 16 Secrets and High school Crush soon. It's my senior year so I've been running around like a chicken with their head cut off getting things done. Sorry it's been taking me so long and i basically vanished


As I sad earlier, I'm sorry I haven't been posting stuff. I've been busy with school and don't really have time to do any of my stories. The only I've I've worked on lately is the flame, which I'm actually gonna work really hard on, not just for you guys but myself. I'm trying so, please don't stop reading


I'm sorry I haven't posted anything lately. I have started school and a lot has been going on. If you noticed I added a new story called The Flame and I also updated 16 Secrets and High School Crush. I'll try to get back to work on those. As I said I have been really busy and overwhelmed and am sorry about disappointing anyone for taking so long. Love you guys. Keep reading!


School is coming quickly to an end. June is just around the corner and I am about to start a singer song writer camp that I did last year. Did any of you read Masonic Camp? Remember Stefan? Yeah.... I met him there. I'm going to do something similar to the Masonic camp book, and write everyday of this camp plus a little of this years Masonic camp. I hope you guys are looking forward to it. I'm already working on some covers. So, I'll post that as soon as I can.