
Hello, y'all I am back!!! Not for writing but for rp'ing aren't y'all excited? I got a new name and picture but I am loving my new look. Pm me if you wanna rp or be my friend!!


@girls_and_anime_boys Harry Potter, Scorbus and mpreg if you don't mind! Also pm!


@Scorbus11  Cool! What fandom/ship/oc/scenario? Also pm or here?


Hello, y'all I am back!!! Not for writing but for rp'ing aren't y'all excited? I got a new name and picture but I am loving my new look. Pm me if you wanna rp or be my friend!!


@girls_and_anime_boys Harry Potter, Scorbus and mpreg if you don't mind! Also pm!


@Scorbus11  Cool! What fandom/ship/oc/scenario? Also pm or here?


The Promised Neverland Spoilers!!
          My sister and I were watching The Promised Neverland (I was re-watching) and my sister starting just guessing what was going to happen. 
          And I know she didn't watch it before because she is typically not an anime person.
          Things she said:
          "I'm betting one of them is going to get shipped, one of the big three."
          "The mom and the black-haired boy look really similar, the nose. They look really similar."
          "I'm betting one of them is going to get really hurt!"
          "It would be really funny if the whole thing just blew up, the farm if it just exploded."
          *I'm laughing so hard, every time she said something I tried not to make it obvious that what she was saying was true*


Okay I am working on a couple of projects right now. I am struggling to figure out which one to focus on. I have the plots ready but there are quiet a few of them. I need some advice, so Ithought why not ask y’all-
          1. Villain Deku 
          2. My Hero Academia Angst One-shots
          3. A Dabi getting revealed story (with minor dabihawks)  
          4. Kurogiri (aka Oboro Shirakumo) Coming of Age Story 
          5. Haikyuu Angst Story 
          6. Haikyuu Angst One-shots 
          7. Original Story 
          8. Some new story one of y’all request
          9. Or keep focusing on updating my other stories.
          (I realize this is like the 8000 time I have down something like this but whatever)


I have an idea for a haikyuu story idk if i wanna write it but here is the basic idea:
          (sakuatsu btw) 
          Atsumu catches a disease that fatal (i still haven’t decided if it will be contagious or not) and then we have sakusa and is germaphobe self. Recipe for disaster if you ask me. 
          let me know your thoughts. 


it is currently 5 in the morning but i could care less-
          i had really bad cramps at like 12, i tried to ignore them and fall asleep (which is hard with my insomnia)
          i somehow manage to fall asleep for an hour or two. before i wake up, and guess what the cramps are ten times worse, i was on the verge of tears; that’s how bad they were
          so i took some pills and the pain subsided, but then i couldn’t sleep. so here i am.
          still having minor cramps, and not being able to sleep.
          SO, how are y’all?


@Hi123456789101112a @Bolins_cumslut Well my dad and sister helped me out after i feel asleep durning school. they woke me up and brought me upstairs to get ready for sleep, and here i am. thank you for all your worrying and support! i am on the heating pad and should feel better in no time!