
          	Hope you had a great 2016 and I wish you'll have a greater 2017!
          	Hope you still have all your limbs and fingers at the beginning of 2017.
          	It's now 00:55 a.m. here! 
          	Happy new year to all!! 
          	Lots of love
          	Naomi xoxo


Hey girl I'm just seeing your book kidnapped by the mafia boss and I love it so far hope everything is going good take all the time you need hope you have a good new year and can't wait for more chapters, was wondering if you would possibly be making a sequel to this story ?


          Hope you had a great 2016 and I wish you'll have a greater 2017!
          Hope you still have all your limbs and fingers at the beginning of 2017.
          It's now 00:55 a.m. here! 
          Happy new year to all!! 
          Lots of love
          Naomi xoxo


Author-chan I fûcking love your book ❤️
          I know you're busy with school and can't update 
          Which is another reason to add to the list of why I hate school 
          But oh well....
          Imma still be preying to the wattpad gods for an update 
          Or wait for you to finish school 


Awww thank you  
            good luck with school ✌️
            And of course I'll wait for you so take your time. ❤️
            I mean not that I'm too eager for the sexy time chapters or anything , that's not it all *cough* *cough* 


            Hi love! You have no idea how happy you make me with this cute and unique comment! This is one of the sweetest comments I've ever gotten!
            Yeah school really is an assf*cker lmao.
            I've been so busy it's inhuman!
            My school schedule is f*cked up really. I have school from 9 am till 5 p.m. and when I get home I need to make a lot of homework for the next day. That doesn't leaves the fact that I have a test week coming up for next week which means I need to study a LOT to get good grades.
            After my test week -two weeks from Wednesday- my Christmas break'll start so then I'll be able to take some rest and get back to writing! So please hang in there! 
            Lots of love!
            Naomi xoxo


Found your book even though I didn't notice I was reading your book i thought i was reading different one but oml i am so hooked hope you have time to post more XD


            Hello dear!
            I'm glad you like my book so much!!
            I hope I can update ASAP!
            Lots of love xoxo