
this message may be offensive
TW: rape/sexual assault
          	Ok so i’m going to go on a rant about rape being used in fanfiction. What the actual hell. Ok to start off rape is a very sensitive topic and shouldn’t be taken lightly ever. I just finished reading a story and Harry Styles literally r*ped the main character and to make it worse “fans” started justifying those actions because the character was Harry Styles. Also how would you think Harry would feel if he knew people were writing about him literally r*ping people...not good i assume. Not to mention the amount of people that romanticize these actions..umm are you ok? I think r*pe definitely shouldn’t be as common as it is in fanfics.  Maybe instead of writing about r*ping someone you could write about the opposite like teaching people how important consent is through the characters. I don’t have a problem if you’re bringing light and raising awareness for the topic but i do have a problem if you’re romanticizing it or painting innocent celebrities as r*pists. That’s all.


this message may be offensive
TW: rape/sexual assault
          Ok so i’m going to go on a rant about rape being used in fanfiction. What the actual hell. Ok to start off rape is a very sensitive topic and shouldn’t be taken lightly ever. I just finished reading a story and Harry Styles literally r*ped the main character and to make it worse “fans” started justifying those actions because the character was Harry Styles. Also how would you think Harry would feel if he knew people were writing about him literally r*ping people...not good i assume. Not to mention the amount of people that romanticize these actions..umm are you ok? I think r*pe definitely shouldn’t be as common as it is in fanfics.  Maybe instead of writing about r*ping someone you could write about the opposite like teaching people how important consent is through the characters. I don’t have a problem if you’re bringing light and raising awareness for the topic but i do have a problem if you’re romanticizing it or painting innocent celebrities as r*pists. That’s all.