
God is just a 14 year old girl who writes fiction on her multiple ocs and just discovered the lgbtq community 


✨ Gentle reminder that:✨ 
          ✨ Percy would want you to drink water✨ 
          ✨ Annabeth would want you to stay safe✨ 
          ✨ Grover would want you to take care if yourself and the environment✨ 
          ✨ Jason would want you to ask for help if you can, when you need it ✨ 
          ✨ Piper would want you to love yourself✨ 
          ✨ Hazel would want you to be happy✨ 
          ✨ Frank would want you to be unharmed✨ 
          ✨ Nico would want you to stay alive✨ 
          ✨ And Reyna would want you to stay strong✨ 
          Send this to 5 fellow Percy Jackson fans in 20 minutes after you finish reading this!
          If you get 3 or more back, those people who sent them back to you, care for you and want you to stay safe.
          If you don't send this to 5 fellow Percy Jackson fans in 20 minutes, then the gods will punish you for a year, with no way out.
          I do not own this, I only copied and pasted it. ;)


Having this huge argue to change my name to Ash but is too afraid to say that in personal to my best friend so I’m posting it here so you can see it as well as said best friend cause I know they follow me XD


@yaelgrossau awww thank you :) I might do it when I grow up a bit 


@ ghost_prince987  do it. 
            It would be fun*cking amazing


@yaelgrossau but I don’t really care


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Audhsjksgaiajavzjahxjaishs my aunt’s finally getting married!!!!! SHE WAITED 6 YEARS FOR THAT MOMENTTTTT AND MY MOM SAID THAT I CAN WEAR A FUCKING SUIT FOR THE EVENT XDDD


@ghost_prince987  congratulations 
            1) because you get to wear a suit my friend wear suit too, my cousin thought she was a boy
            2) and because your aunt is getting married ☺️


Friend 1: my dad has literally GOLD all around his house
          Friend 2: my grandma have super expensive jewelleries in her safe and when I’ll be 20 they’ll be MINE
          Me: hah I have a closet full of alcoholic drinks in the basement and I am sure I wont be able to touch it until 21. But at least my grandma give me her cargo pants :)


@ghost_prince987  My grandparents have mealworms in their pantry. 


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*casually drinks from my juice box while remembering I have three undone projects* oh shit-


@Loki_Friggason_18 sameeeee I hate to go to school. Like, physically.


I have exams and have to learn a new language within a month so that I don’t fail this entire academic year and there is no way that I can cheat on these exams because we get to do these exams in PHYSICAL school instead of the (usually easier to cheat with) way of online classes