
/  info chain — dni .ᐟ
          	   name: ryō constantin (watanabe)
          	   age: 22
          	   birthday: june 7th 2002
          	   ethnicity: japanese, romani
          	   species: ghoul-vampyre
          	   nationality: japanese
          	   occupation: unemployed (studying)
          	   gender: demiboy (amab)
          	   sexuality: pansexual
          	   romantic: pan male lean + poly
          	   pronouns: he/him + they/them + it/its
          	   appearance: 5'10". athletic, toned, curvy.
          	   hazel green eyes. short dreads (usually
          	   with a few dreads dyed green or blond)
          	   voice: deep, baritone, quiet, flat


   relationship (sfw) cont. .ᐟ
          	     he has fears that being of mixed
          	     species will cause problems so
          	     he tells everyone upfront about
          	     it. he doesn't want them to find 
          	     out later & say he was lying.
          	     regardless of reassurance, he is 
          	     always concerned that his
          	     partner won't want to stay with
          	     him because he's mixed.
          	     he has a liking for older people 
          	     or people almost exactly his age.
          	     he likes to be shown off & talked
          	     about. he likes being a trophy
          	     boyfriend. pda is a big yes &
          	     his partner will probably have to
          	     rip him off them to get him to
          	     stop hugging/holding them &
          	     giving them kisses.
          	     when alone with his partner, he's 
          	     usually quite a lot quieter & less
          	     of a large personality than when
          	     he's out partying or gaming with 
          	     his friends. it's not a façade, he
          	     just gets quiet when he's happy
          	     or comfortable. he'll also be
          	     more likely to eat around his
          	     partner if he genuinely feels
          	     safe with them. he has & will 
          	     never, feed off his partner
          	     even if they gave permission.
          	     he's afraid of hurting his
          	     partner in general & feeding off
          	     his partner puts his partner 
          	     at genuine risk. 


   in a relationship (sfw) .ᐟ
          	     ryō's love languages are acts of
          	     service & touch. he loves to do
          	     things like cook or go shopping
          	     for his partner. he will die if his 
          	     partner plays with his hair & is a
          	     sucker for spooning. he's very
          	     attentive & remembers random
          	     things about his partner that he
          	     values deeply. he listens & never
          	     judges whatsoever - even if he
          	     doesn't understand or if
          	     something sounds a little dumb
          	     to him. he doesn't lie at all,
          	     especially where it comes to his
          	     boundaries, likes, dislikes &
          	     what he wants. he'll encourage 
          	     his partner to be as truthful as
          	     possible as well.
          	     he tries to get on a good foot 
          	     his partner's family and/or
          	     friends. he believes it's very 
          	     important to make sure that
          	     he can be around all the people
          	     his partner finds important 
          	     without causing issues for his
          	     partner. he spends a lot of time
          	     learning about his partner from 
          	     the people his partner find
          	     important because he believes
          	     many perspectives allows for
          	     quick & unbiased learning.
          	     he'll probably end up keeping
          	     in contact with the family or
          	     friends even after the 
          	     relationship has ended. 


   misc .ᐟ
          	     multiship · multiverse
          	     (n)sfw & triggering themes
          	      ↳ gore, horror
          	     pref lit rps - does semi-lit & one
          	     liners / 3rd person pov & past
          	     established universe lore
          	     main ship slots: 4
          	     status: active & semi-active 
          	     drop: yes
          	     nsfw: in dms only 
          	     dm: yes
          	     plot: yes
          	     property of xan™ .ᐟ


/  info chain — dni .ᐟ
             name: ryō constantin (watanabe)
             age: 22
             birthday: june 7th 2002
             ethnicity: japanese, romani
             species: ghoul-vampyre
             nationality: japanese
             occupation: unemployed (studying)
             gender: demiboy (amab)
             sexuality: pansexual
             romantic: pan male lean + poly
             pronouns: he/him + they/them + it/its
             appearance: 5'10". athletic, toned, curvy.
             hazel green eyes. short dreads (usually
             with a few dreads dyed green or blond)
             voice: deep, baritone, quiet, flat


   relationship (sfw) cont. .ᐟ
               he has fears that being of mixed
               species will cause problems so
               he tells everyone upfront about
               it. he doesn't want them to find 
               out later & say he was lying.
               regardless of reassurance, he is 
               always concerned that his
               partner won't want to stay with
               him because he's mixed.
               he has a liking for older people 
               or people almost exactly his age.
               he likes to be shown off & talked
               about. he likes being a trophy
               boyfriend. pda is a big yes &
               his partner will probably have to
               rip him off them to get him to
               stop hugging/holding them &
               giving them kisses.
               when alone with his partner, he's 
               usually quite a lot quieter & less
               of a large personality than when
               he's out partying or gaming with 
               his friends. it's not a façade, he
               just gets quiet when he's happy
               or comfortable. he'll also be
               more likely to eat around his
               partner if he genuinely feels
               safe with them. he has & will 
               never, feed off his partner
               even if they gave permission.
               he's afraid of hurting his
               partner in general & feeding off
               his partner puts his partner 
               at genuine risk. 


   in a relationship (sfw) .ᐟ
               ryō's love languages are acts of
               service & touch. he loves to do
               things like cook or go shopping
               for his partner. he will die if his 
               partner plays with his hair & is a
               sucker for spooning. he's very
               attentive & remembers random
               things about his partner that he
               values deeply. he listens & never
               judges whatsoever - even if he
               doesn't understand or if
               something sounds a little dumb
               to him. he doesn't lie at all,
               especially where it comes to his
               boundaries, likes, dislikes &
               what he wants. he'll encourage 
               his partner to be as truthful as
               possible as well.
               he tries to get on a good foot 
               his partner's family and/or
               friends. he believes it's very 
               important to make sure that
               he can be around all the people
               his partner finds important 
               without causing issues for his
               partner. he spends a lot of time
               learning about his partner from 
               the people his partner find
               important because he believes
               many perspectives allows for
               quick & unbiased learning.
               he'll probably end up keeping
               in contact with the family or
               friends even after the 
               relationship has ended. 


   misc .ᐟ
               multiship · multiverse
               (n)sfw & triggering themes
                ↳ gore, horror
               pref lit rps - does semi-lit & one
               liners / 3rd person pov & past
               established universe lore
               main ship slots: 4
               status: active & semi-active 
               drop: yes
               nsfw: in dms only 
               dm: yes
               plot: yes
               property of xan™ .ᐟ