
New Story: 'What do you see' Set during Kuro Neko, what might have happened if in the middle of his depression Adrien had reached out to correct an old mistake?


@generalluxun I saw the episode Kuro Neko on YouTube last weekend while I was sick with a cold.
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hi idk if u know me but I'm Cute from the fandom :") wanna be friends?


@Cuteqm1 it made me want to write again though, so I have been doing that.  Tons of fanfic.  I might be up to 1000pages now
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@Cuteqm1 It's on my profile on the wiki.  I found the show when my wife was screening it for our daughter.  The characters are interesting, especially Chloé seasons 2-3.  The plot is.... Ehn ^^;
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New Story: 'What do you see' Set during Kuro Neko, what might have happened if in the middle of his depression Adrien had reached out to correct an old mistake?


@generalluxun I saw the episode Kuro Neko on YouTube last weekend while I was sick with a cold.
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Hi! It's GabbyCat45 from the mlb fandom!  I just followed you.


@PCHsecret That's a fun one.  Sentimonster Shenanigans!  Chat Sanglant is the sequel.
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( ̄ヘ ̄)ᴴᴹᴹ Against the World
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@PCHsecret oh hello there :) have tou liked anything you've read?
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          Im following u


when I am able to give it a look, I will be sure to tell you.


So I could give your story another look later.  Work is super busy and I'm not usually one for first person narrative but I want to give it a fair shake :)
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@generalluxun I am working on writing a Lukaloe story on here.  It might take me a while to finish it. It is going to be a short story or at least I think it might be and it is called What My Crush Likes My Sister?  So, anyways, I hope you will read it. Hope you like it since you are LukaLoe fan or at least I think you are.
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Sir I just realised you've got "The one that got away" in your list. I really love that book! It has some great amount of, *cough* humor, *cough* in it! May I know your thought about the book?
          Also, thanks fur using the cover! I really appreciate it!


@generalluxun i understand. Your daily schedule must be hard! I don't want to even imagine life with all of those duties. Its okay, i just wanted to know what u think...... 
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@Star_gazer45678 I haven't gotten to looking at it yet, not much time for reading between work, parenting, and writing.
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I finished reading "End Of Miracles" once again. And it was really great! Just like the first time. I wanted to ask, can I please make a cover for this book? Pretty please? Its fine if you don't want, but, can I try?


@generalluxun ta gentillesse........... Merci beaucoup!
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@Star_gazer45678 aww, don't be down on your work!  I'm using it ^^
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@generalluxun i sent it to you on your message wall... But, uh. Yeah, nevermind......
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I'm already in love with your books. You write beautifully. I hope to see more from you :)


@SlappiSlappi Awwwwwww   Thank you for the kind words.  It's always nice to know someone enjoys your work.
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*Makes an extremely overdramatic composure and acts like just came back after running 1mile* I found it! I knew you must have wattpad! I just knew it! Haha! I found it! I actually managed to somehow find General's wattpad profile. Hail to myself! I found it!
          Oh hi General! I'm another one(or maybe only one) of those fandom freaks who managed to loose the 2nd chapter of against the world even though you tagged me. At least I can read it here! Thank you!


@Star_gazer45678 Glad you could find it!  I hope you enjoy!
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