Guys, Last Friday Night is at 5,000 reads! My last announcement on here was literally to celebrate 4k reads and just over a week later we're at 5k! My last announcement was an essay so I'll try to keep this short: THANK YOU!!! Some people have already mentioned bonus chapters and yes, one is planned just not drafted. The Break Up Plan takes up a lot of my time along with school and work, yada yada, but I am keeping the bonus chapter high on the priorities list and will let y'all know when it's finished. Okay, you guys are amazing, I appreciate each and everyone of you, have an awesome day!
@LunaLillie you’re so sweet, I appreciate the confidence. Also, I’m the exact the same way with books I like so there’s no judgment from me
@geekiechicforall13 I am very pleased that the story is doing well, but not surprised at all. Your work is awesome!I am patiently(not true), waiting for it's completion.