
I’m convinced I will never get a girlfriend. I thought I was going somewhere with this girl but she doesn’t want a relationship. I think she just likes the attention which I’m more than happy to give her but she will ghost me and idk what she wants. Does she want me to beg for her? Does she want me to leave her alone? But then she’ll send me a reel or TikTok and it’ll be like she didn’t ignore my text all day. I’m just sick of this. When is it my time to get a girlfriend. I’m abt to go to college and I’ve had no experiences with a girl at all. I just feel so behind everyone else


@gay_lesbian03 it's okay. Everything happens in it's own pace. Even I feel behind, because I took a gap year and now in a couple months I'm going to start college. I'm single rn. But you should enjoy your life the way it is for now. Your perfect woman will come to you. Or maybe that's just my hopeless romantic speaking? All we can do have hope and move on


I’m convinced I will never get a girlfriend. I thought I was going somewhere with this girl but she doesn’t want a relationship. I think she just likes the attention which I’m more than happy to give her but she will ghost me and idk what she wants. Does she want me to beg for her? Does she want me to leave her alone? But then she’ll send me a reel or TikTok and it’ll be like she didn’t ignore my text all day. I’m just sick of this. When is it my time to get a girlfriend. I’m abt to go to college and I’ve had no experiences with a girl at all. I just feel so behind everyone else


@gay_lesbian03 it's okay. Everything happens in it's own pace. Even I feel behind, because I took a gap year and now in a couple months I'm going to start college. I'm single rn. But you should enjoy your life the way it is for now. Your perfect woman will come to you. Or maybe that's just my hopeless romantic speaking? All we can do have hope and move on


Beast believe when I find it in me to watch the continental you will have something with the adjudicator 


I haven’t watched it cause I hated John wick . It’s not my type of movie so I don’t really have an interest in the show. But Katie’s in it so I’m gonna have to watch 


@gay_lesbian03 YESS, Awesome, can't wait, I haven't watched it either, I waiting for all the parts to come out


this message may be offensive
Sometimes I just wanna write the most dumb shit ever, publish it, and then delete it and pretend like it never happened. Like I want to make the most shittiest story with the most bizarre things and act like I didn’t do it. 


I’m about to just do it like I’m so close


@gay_lesbian03 I did this on my old account. Can confirm it is hilarious once it gets to a decent amount of views. It's legitimately just mass gaslighting


Might be time for the multifandom imagines 


@gay_lesbian03 Ofc Ofc, nothing can stop us


@NayaRianna1302 we are literally going to get married idc. It’s us against the world 


@gay_lesbian03 OMG, I love you, just marry me at this point ❤️


I just want to say that my wattpad app is not working. I’m on the web rn. I can’t see anyone’s messages and it’s not letting me update my stuff. Idk how long this is going to last so I’m sorry. I’m really trying to fix this and it’s actually aggravating me.


@Tha_Black_Phantom mine was doing the same thing but they just fixed it thank god. I was going crazy for a minute 


@gay_lesbian03 mine isn’t working either it lets me tap the app but it closes it