
Update on Sin for Me:
          	If you’ve been staying updated on the new chapters for Sin for Me, you’ll know I’ve decided to continue the story FOUR YEARS LATER (lmao)
          	Well, I’ve looked back at the old chapters and noticed just way too many inconsistencies and errors for my brain to be okay with, so I’ve been going back and fixing some errors and updating the writing. The facts are more or less the same (though with the amount of inconsistencies in the original, you’re probably used to random changes)
          	Anyways, it’s changing a good bit but you don’t have to reread it to understand the new updates! 


Update on Sin for Me:
          If you’ve been staying updated on the new chapters for Sin for Me, you’ll know I’ve decided to continue the story FOUR YEARS LATER (lmao)
          Well, I’ve looked back at the old chapters and noticed just way too many inconsistencies and errors for my brain to be okay with, so I’ve been going back and fixing some errors and updating the writing. The facts are more or less the same (though with the amount of inconsistencies in the original, you’re probably used to random changes)
          Anyways, it’s changing a good bit but you don’t have to reread it to understand the new updates! 


          Been a minute since I wrote on here (3 years )
          So, I recently updated Sin For Me, my most popular novel on here. I wrote the original in 2019, five whole years ago, and I never thought about writing an epilogue or continuation. But, I really liked those two and the idea behind it, so I’ve decided to write up a few extra chapters just to tie up some loose ends that always bothered me.
          5 years is a long time, so the original chapters are a bit outdated and amateur but they were written with love! So, don’t expect a rewrite, but do expect a more detailed writing style, etc.
          On another note, it seems I have some fans of my writing! I cannot express how much that means to me, really, that people are actually looking forward to updates somewhere out there. Thank you, a ton.
          I wanted to give those few an opportunity to send in some requests for books! I can’t promise I’ll turn everything into a full fledged novel, but if you have an idea you want me to flesh out, I wanna hear it!
          Again, thank you everyone. There’s not many places I get to be myself completely, so I really enjoy this platform and the people here for letting me have that.
          Thank you!


Ok so I just wanna say how much I love your books. Read them all in one day.
          Kiss it better x… my personal favorite. I just love the message of it and it’s just so motivating. The ending was bittersweet, with Milo becoming independent and confident, but then him and John not ending up together. I’m really a sucker for a happy ending so maybe, just maybe, a few tears were shed. However Liam… seems interesting. Now I’m definitely not on my knees begging you to do a sequel cough cough but it would make a lot of people, not me, very happy.
          But anything else you come out with, I’ll love. Don’t stop writing!