
Is it easy for a person to hit the boiling point? The point where no matter how hard you look at the situation, it will never get better. No matter who tries to talk you out of something-.  .  .lets say suicide.  .  . its always floating in the back of your mind like a book in a wrong spot. That's just so notice able, you pick it up. Look at it, and ponder what to do with it. 
          	Like no matter who you reach out for help, it will never stop. Someone can make it better, but never stop it. 
          	To the point, were all the things start to go over the edge of that pot and everything spills over. All the things that were meant to stay inside start bursting out like a volcano that's just been dormant way too long.  .  .
          	Is it easy for a person to hit the boiling point?


@galixyskys2010 sorry for the long comment lol


@galixyskys2010 I mean it depends, you would have to be in a certain climate and area to be in that heat. Water wise, you would need to actually have a fixed area of boiling water.
          	  As for mentality, there are people out there to help. I understand that people will never be able to stop a problem not involving them, but as you said, we can make it better. Helping people and giving advice is one thing I love doing! Just getting to know someone better on a deeper level helps them. 
          	  Friends are not supposed to solve problems, but we help guide. When someone looses a friend, it’s shows the good or bad impact on yourself. Hence why you need to pick your friends wisely. 
          	  And as you say, over flowing and such, it natural! Sometimes you need to let it out. Think of it this way, let’s say a volcano does erupt, like in the ocean. The molting lava will spill over, hardened, and become land. The volcanic ash becomes a fertilizer for plants. I say this because people a nature can balance out. It’s alright to cry and let it out. Bottling your emotions is terrible, but the outcome is the same. 
          	  So yes, it is easy for someone to hit a boiling point, but sometimes we need to boil and over flow to change. Like pasta. From something dry and not appetizing when cold, to a delicious and Devine meal.
          	  Hopefully this made sence!


Is it easy for a person to hit the boiling point? The point where no matter how hard you look at the situation, it will never get better. No matter who tries to talk you out of something-.  .  .lets say suicide.  .  . its always floating in the back of your mind like a book in a wrong spot. That's just so notice able, you pick it up. Look at it, and ponder what to do with it. 
          Like no matter who you reach out for help, it will never stop. Someone can make it better, but never stop it. 
          To the point, were all the things start to go over the edge of that pot and everything spills over. All the things that were meant to stay inside start bursting out like a volcano that's just been dormant way too long.  .  .
          Is it easy for a person to hit the boiling point?


@galixyskys2010 sorry for the long comment lol


@galixyskys2010 I mean it depends, you would have to be in a certain climate and area to be in that heat. Water wise, you would need to actually have a fixed area of boiling water.
            As for mentality, there are people out there to help. I understand that people will never be able to stop a problem not involving them, but as you said, we can make it better. Helping people and giving advice is one thing I love doing! Just getting to know someone better on a deeper level helps them. 
            Friends are not supposed to solve problems, but we help guide. When someone looses a friend, it’s shows the good or bad impact on yourself. Hence why you need to pick your friends wisely. 
            And as you say, over flowing and such, it natural! Sometimes you need to let it out. Think of it this way, let’s say a volcano does erupt, like in the ocean. The molting lava will spill over, hardened, and become land. The volcanic ash becomes a fertilizer for plants. I say this because people a nature can balance out. It’s alright to cry and let it out. Bottling your emotions is terrible, but the outcome is the same. 
            So yes, it is easy for someone to hit a boiling point, but sometimes we need to boil and over flow to change. Like pasta. From something dry and not appetizing when cold, to a delicious and Devine meal.
            Hopefully this made sence!


Can... please....


@galixyskys2010 I am truly sorry for your lost. It's tragic to loose someone...


@Soviet_The_Russian I don't know who you are...But rest in piece. *Tears roll down face* Maybe- Maybe in a d-diffrent life or fandom we will meet again.


@Soviet_The_Russian I'm going to miss you. I hope you know how much I love you, as a friend. Have a good rest of life. Stay safe, and don't do DRUGS!


Nada I need you to talk to me please…


Nothing either..?


heya! feels like we haven't talked in a while, how are ya? :D


@AmeCountryhumans1 I am good. How are you my friend?


Heyyy have you been doing well??


@galixyskys2010 why?… nada please dont do this…


@Emibird1092 I have been trying to kill myself do to people in real life :>


@galixyskys2010 anything you want to talk about