
Also I'm going to be post about school maybe even what the frick I'm learning I mean I don't now.. At this point my life is fricked and I am dead! That's a lie I'm still here!


this message may be offensive
Lets talk about how my teacher is twisted as frick! She was saying I had her two years I fail so had to redo she was mean as fuck last year and she said she was "Going to be nice" Bullpoop she said Monday you'll need to be prepared because I'll not going to be nice! Flip that I done let me skip a few grades please I don't want to be there with her if she was going to be like last year I mean frick she also the reson I hate Math and school flip.


So this is for the people how find this Message Umm-... I will post all my cringe old books back up and also um- For most of yall on this page how check up on it, I will no longer be posting on this one because I just don't feel like it anymore but I'm not quitting wattpad I am using a different account and that is..
          This will only be and account to see my progress and to see how cringe I was and will never be ever AGAIN! But I'm still doing OOO, FTO and others also I'ma Sprinkle alittle bit of Dream SMP but if you want my new content go check out the at I left and you don't have to come and you dont have to follow you can just read and I if you don't want to be apart of this then Goodbye and Thanks for being around and if your stiking around then I'll see you there and see you on my next page! <3


Also thank you for 106 on this page but I think that's a late achievement hopefully I will get that on my other page but bye! <3


I'm sure I won't be able to post I'm sorry I need to " Fix my Grades " Makeing me try won't help almost all people went throw 2020 with pain and I think I'm just not used to Computer and of It was paper I may have got C and B but until then sorry!


I'm sure I won't be able to post I'm sorry I need to " Fix my Grades " Makeing me try won't help almost all people went throw 2020 with pain and I think I'm just not used to Computer and of It was paper I may have got C and B but until then sorry!


Hey guys, My grades are really on the dwon low I have three F's and Preety sure I'll have ro repeat the grade so If I don't come back with a update here in a week then, My mom took my phone and I won't be able to post sorry but also meny of you requested stuff sorry that I could not do it or if it was in progress I'll try to finish it if not then sorry that I could not deliver and do what you requested.
          - Isn


< For almost a year I will not have it sp I'm really sorry! Again > 
            ( - Isn )


( Why in a week it's because that when grade updates come out and if I can't get my grades up then I won't have my phone and If it wasn't online class then I would have B's and C's But sorry again that I could not Deliver)