
OK so people don't read my stories or comment on them so what am i doing wrong you have to tell me so i can fix it there are 128 of you guys i need your help love you guys


Bro why is all the stories i read never finish like bruh if ur not going to finish the story dont make it then getting my damn hopes up just for yall to take seven years to complete it might ass well delete it sorry anime lovers im rambling I'll get off ur nerves love ya my otaku family ✌


Hey guys have u ever had a lil sister or brother and u guys u to be close but they started growing up before ur eyes and u one day read there messages and the things in there they shouldnt say u know its right to tell ur parents but u dont want ur sister to hate u and ur torn between what to do what would u to tell ur parents or keep it a secret even if u cant stop worrying