
i'm posting the doa chapter tomorrow bc I wrote half of it tonight but I need time to mow over how i'm going to close it.  
          	thanks for your patients ya'll


Alrighty guys.  I'm in softball now (which is after school to 6:35 so I've been hella busy and tired... SoOooO I've been having a hard time keeping up with writing.  I hope y'all understand.  This summer I should be uploading a lot (I know that's a far ways away but in the meantime I'll still post just not as often) 


Sorry for no update today everyone!  I had to get up very early so I was tired throughout the day.  I tried to write a bit tonight but I won't have time for a chapter.  :,( I'll try to make it up with a double update tomorrow!  
          Love, Laura (>^.^>)