
Asalamualaikum AR, May this message find whomever reading this in good health and beautiful iman. I apologise for not updating my books. I am a masters student and have had a lot of work as well as personal matters get in the way of producing any more extra writing next to a thesis and electives. My intentions for these books are that they serve to help me and anyone reading authentic and practicing information about Islam. This I do not want to update just for the story but for something that will be beneficial Insha’Allah. BarakAllahufeek to anyone who actually reads my poorly written work. Whomever you are you always always make me feel very blessed Alhumdulillah. ❤️


Asalamualaikum AR, May this message find whomever reading this in good health and beautiful iman. I apologise for not updating my books. I am a masters student and have had a lot of work as well as personal matters get in the way of producing any more extra writing next to a thesis and electives. My intentions for these books are that they serve to help me and anyone reading authentic and practicing information about Islam. This I do not want to update just for the story but for something that will be beneficial Insha’Allah. BarakAllahufeek to anyone who actually reads my poorly written work. Whomever you are you always always make me feel very blessed Alhumdulillah. ❤️