
seeing ayanokoji play chess was interesting. i wonder how would he pair against real gms in chess. makes me curious.


hope everyone is well. quick update on my life, so far things are going... okay. atleast thats what i like to think of it. slowly getting back on my feet and picking things up and hopefully making it through college with flying colors. mental health wise? well, bit in the dumps, but a special someone is helping me out immensly. so, cant thank them enough. regardless, hope all of you are doing well. i will probably update a book soon, not sure when, but at some point. the gym has been really helping me out too. works not going right now but hopefully soon. good day to all of you. hope you all are well.
          - futives


glad to see rent a girlfriend is still being a success.


@therando5 mostly story but rent a girlfriend a bit 


@futjves Your story or the actual source material?


@therando5 nope! im glad people still enjoy it even if i dont update it as much :)


Compatible has been extremely fun to write. Enjoying every second and seeing as it is a short anime, I can probably knock it out by Christmas. Of course, if you have any other ones you want worked on, feel free to say.