
Oh I forgot to add! I did find pictures of the dreaming of you charters but unfortunately the pictures were saved on my scummy cheating ex boyfriends computer. So you guys will have to live with your imaginations which I think are probably better than the ones I chose. Our own depliction is always better than being given a characters image based on what the author thinks they should look like. I mean look at Edward in twilight? He's so freaking ugly how can you even consider him as Edward?! No offense to the ones that do like him! Sry! Anyways just wanted to tell you guys that!


Oh I forgot to add! I did find pictures of the dreaming of you charters but unfortunately the pictures were saved on my scummy cheating ex boyfriends computer. So you guys will have to live with your imaginations which I think are probably better than the ones I chose. Our own depliction is always better than being given a characters image based on what the author thinks they should look like. I mean look at Edward in twilight? He's so freaking ugly how can you even consider him as Edward?! No offense to the ones that do like him! Sry! Anyways just wanted to tell you guys that!


Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry guys! I forgot my password an couldn't log on! It's been killing me!!! Finally found it on a scrap piece of paper in my old room at my moms. I freaked! The good news is I'm back but the bad news is after not being able to post more on my story I've lost the motivation to continue with it. I know what I want to have in it but I havent a clue how to start it again. And with so little time until school starts again I'm afraid I won't continue it at all! %uE413. With this being my last semester at this college before I go to lake superior state I don't know if I'll even have time to write during school. Any suggestions? Even suggestions with future events in the story might help keep it alive! Send me private messages if you do so that if I do go with your suggestion then no one else will know what's going to happen. I might even have one of you help write the story and given you half of the credit of the inishe product!


HEY, friend.
          if you think i show promise, plase fan me. i have a goal to get 20 fans and 2000 reads for my story, before september.. please help me with this goal.
          Please read/vote/comment/like/tweet/or fan me if you like them enough!
          (goal story)
          please read our (mine and AliceAlaine's) story called st.mori's academy.... its about this girl named Victoria (shes a teenage vampire who like all other vampires can wield elemental magic, and is going to a vampire & 1/2 vampire [damphire] high school in Bela Bela [near Bela Coola], British Columbia) and some very weird and VERY dangerous things start happening involving black magic and an army of evil magicians when, after a suspicious tragedy kills B.C.'s Vampire Premier (the only vampire with political power in the country, aside from vampire mayors of a few small municipalities) and its up to Victoria and her friends to save, not only their friend, and their school but also the country from an army of 'dark' magicians.
          also you might wanna read alicealaines story called more than you know!
          (my other story that people seem to like)
          And i have just by me called: fight for the right to love or run like hell??? Its about a girl (brooke) who is 16 and gets hit by a car , driven by the man she is destin to fall for, and be forced to fight for, unfortunatly, she dies, however god says it wasnt her time , but she has to go through a life 'boot camp' to learn how to have fun and how to fight for AND survive fighting for love.