
Hello everyone, long time no speak! I haven't been on Wattpad for ages because I've been doing my GCSEs (British end of year tests- very important)! But now I'VE FINISHED! Whoop! It took a lot of effort and time but they're done now so I can spend a lot more time writing. This being said, I'm going to unpublish Midnight Skies for the time being whilst I edit it and change a couple of major plot issues. Hopefully it will be up in a week or so and I'll be back in the swing of writing again. Thank you all for sticking with me and supporting me. 
          	Freya x


I love your account and am also a huge Phantom fan (otherwise known as “Phan” lol). I saw that you mentioned the 2004 movie in the description of one of your books. Are you a fan of the movie? (I am)


@frazzle01 Me too. I love Gerard so much and I love the movie. It’s so awesome and people hate on it, which I don’t understand at all.


@BrendaDaaeDestler Hi! Thanks for checking out my profile, and yes I love the movie. I see a lot of hate for it but in my eyes, anything to do with Phantom is amazing and I'll take Gerard Butler as Phantom any day of the week lol. 


Hello everyone, long time no speak! I haven't been on Wattpad for ages because I've been doing my GCSEs (British end of year tests- very important)! But now I'VE FINISHED! Whoop! It took a lot of effort and time but they're done now so I can spend a lot more time writing. This being said, I'm going to unpublish Midnight Skies for the time being whilst I edit it and change a couple of major plot issues. Hopefully it will be up in a week or so and I'll be back in the swing of writing again. Thank you all for sticking with me and supporting me. 
          Freya x


          A lot of people reading my book have asked for a sequel for Twisted Every Way. Now, I have recently replied to one comment saying that I may or may not have started writing one which is true. I have started getting ideas ready for a sequel but it will not be out for quite some time yet. I REPEAT, it won't be out yet! I want to finish or almost finish a couple of other books before I publish the sequel. I hope you all understand and if you want to get notifications for when the sequel does come out, follow me. 
          In other news, I have casted Skyler Samuels as Paige because the minute I saw her, I immediately pictured her as the woman I have been writing about for the past year. I hope you all agree with my choice (there is a picture in the first chapter of TEW) :) xx


@ frazzle01  You give us a good ending! I liked this story very much!


Hey everybody! I have just edited all of the chapters of Midnight Skies to make Sophie and the rest of the people her age 16 instead of 15. I just though that it will speed up the story slightly so now instead of being in fifth year and doing their OWLS, they are in sixth year and are preparing for their NEWTs. I apologize that I haven't updated in what seems like a whole lifetime but I just started my last year of high school and the pressure to do well on my GCSEs has been unbelievable. However, expect a new chapter either tonight or tomorrow, I PROMISE :) x


You should totally write a sequel to Twisted Every Way. I loved it, it was such a good fanfic


@frazzle01 thanks! I seriously do LOVE that fanfic I couldn't stop reading it


@Music_of-the_Night thank you. I will take your request to consideration. I may write a few more chapter instead but I will finish it properly ❤❤