I mistakenly added you twice to my latest announcement, sorry. I will fix the next around. Lpf
@frayrays I'm decorating my shillelagh today. I picked up an old stick lying in the yard where I used to live some 20 years ago and used it as a cane after I lost my ability to walk steadily after a bad reaction to a medication I was put on for epilepsy. I peeled the bark off of it and varnished it lightly. A few days ago I found a group of photos of shillelaghs on the web and my stick looked just like them, so I am painting it with designs and then shellacking it, a fun thing to do for the holidays. Whatever you do for the holidays, have a blast! Lpf.
@CottonJones don't worry. I don't mind announcements. I'm actually signing off for the year. Will catch up in the new year now. Hope you enjoy the festive period if you celebrate.