
next chapter is up! check it out!
          	as always - comments, suggestions and feedback is a plus! thanks! -kb


Thank you for following back! I am eager to start reading back to you. I am also looking forward to any feedback you you may have for me.
          PS. Love the curls!


Oh thanks! I like to follow back anyone who takes time to follow me! Hope you enjoy Back To You! It’s slow updating currently but I’m working on it! Haha! Feel free to leave feedback and share! Can’t wait to read what you’ve written! 


hey all! just a heads up that 'back to you' is still up and being updated every week or so! be sure to check it out! vote, share and spread the word! it's much appreciated and it'll totally be worth your time! as always - comments, suggestions and feedback is a plus! thanks! -kb


I love meeting other people who are night owls. I swear that's the only time I am ever productive haha


@frantic_curls I always end up doing uni assignments or writing after I finish late shifts too haha


Agreed! I work night shift so it's hard for me to sleep at night so I'm usually up!