
i really want to write another story but i'm not inspired much ): helllpppppp


          I wouldn’t spend a dime for my stories and for my readers. If they want to read them, I should have them for free, and not letting my readers spend to get coins just to finish a story. I’m happy that some writers are gaining, but this mine is for entertainment and showing my talent in writing.
          Anyway, this is just my thought about paid stories. Love u and keep supporting x


Hola!! Te invito a que pases por mi nueva novela en progreso:El mundo de las sombras !!!
          Métete de lleno en la cabeza de una chica con ideas profundas y ahogada en sus propias aguas.
          Estoy completamente abierta a preguntas, observaciones y críticas. 
          Haganme saber qué opinan. 
          Déjame tu historia y haré lo mismo por ti si deseas!
          Gracias por seguirme, leerme, estar.


Sorry I cannot understand your language but thanks for writing on my wall. :)


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after reading my old posts.... there were all shits haha! thank you for the 33.5k reads on Campus Gangsters! wtf guys it has been a long time and i can't believe what i've done for the past four years. but anyway, i'm already 21 and same shit but i'm planning to publish a story since 2016. still a plan because my bf is a stalker and maybe he'll see this post but i'm hoping to publish another story again probably this year! so that's it! ;)